
8th February, 2010 - Posted by admin - Comments Off on About

Our CPR program consists of information needed to understand CPR. We have information that will explain how CPR is done on Adults, Children, Infants and two person CPR as well as the Heimlich Maneuver for the same. We also, have a chart depicting the National Standards that apply to CPR. Which will be the back of your CPR card.

The program is designed to let you read the information, interact with the victims through an animated process and when you feel comfortable about your skills you will then be given an examination. Its a fun way to learn CPR at your own time and convenience.

You will be able to avoid all of the distractions that go on when taking a class on site. You will also avoid the stress and frustration of traffic to and from a site. You can take the course at your time and convenience. You can repeat the course as many times as you like You can take it on line or print out the material and take it offline. You can print out your card immediately. You will be in a much better frame of mind to concentrate on your skills. No more sitting through long boring lectures.

You will be doing your CPR skills (Adult, Child, Infant, Two Person CPR and the Heimlich) on animated characters.

This method will teach you the proper way of doing CPR. And Its also, a fun interactive way to learn your CPR skills and keep them fresher in your memory banks.